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About Us

The Communion of Churches in India (CCI) has been constituted as the visible organ for common expression of the life and witness by the founding Churches, the Church of North India (CNI), the Church of South India (CSI) and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church (MTC) which recognise themselves as belonging to the one Church of Jesus Christ in India, even while remaining as autonomous churches, each having its own identity of traditions and organizational structures.

“The Communion” invites other Churches in India to enter into full communion with the member churches separately and join“The Communion”.

The genesis of the story goes back to the invitation by the CNI to form three commissions of representatives of the three churches: the Church of North India, Church of South India and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar (here-in-after referred to as CNI.CSI and MTC) to explore the ways and means of further cooperation and witness in India.

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